NEXT UP: PWF United Ambassadors take on the Atlanta Marathon on March 2nd! 

Do it for today.

“If I am not for myself, who is for me? But if I am for my own self [only], what am I? And if not now, when?”  Pirkei Avot 1:14

Our Mission

We started in 2009 with a very clear north star: improve the lives of individuals living with Parkinson’s, today. After an exhaustive discovery process into the Parkinson’s community, we developed our model of grant making towards proactive wellness and relief. It became clear very early on that research would absolutely not be our focus.


Billions of dollars have gone and continue to go into funding the search for the cure. Yet, individuals living with Parkinson’s are struggling and the impact on their immediate and extended circle of care is insurmountable.


We are here to be side-by-side families. To provide them with a hand. A moment of relief. Someone that is looking out for them and someone who is on their team. No motives. No biased opinions or directives. Just purely here to work for them to improve their life as much as we can.


Why Parkinson’s?

A loved one in our family was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 23 years ago. For the past 15 years we have dedicated ourselves to truly understanding the Parkinson’s community on a national level and building an organization that allows us to focus on the individual and improving life with Parkinson’s for families.


The burden of health insurance and medication expenses is a significant barrier that too often limits a family’s ability to introduce and provide their loved ones with what they really need. Furthermore, the majority of organizations in our community are focused on research. This leaves a tremendous void between individuals and the access to the support they inherently need.


For us, Parkinson’s is Personal and we’re beyond grateful for your support. 

– Russell & Amy Meyerowitz, Founders 


Our Attitude

We’re obsessed with giving back, helping one more person and living life with passion to it’s absolute fullest potential. Leave the excuses behind and live for today. 

Our Values


We’re committed to helping individuals and families navigate life with Parkinson’s. Many times, we’re helping beyond the grant itself. We’re providing guidance and emotional support in a variety of areas.

We’re forming a one-to-one connection with each individual, family and service provider. For the family, we’re oftentimes an extension of support they have never had. For the service providers, we’re their biggest champions because if it wasn’t for them, we couldn’t do what we’re doing.

We’re here to improve one more person’s life by removing stress and allowing them to gain access to what they determine they need, today.

For Today

This may be our biggest differentiator. We value life for today. We value helping a person in need who can live a better life. Let’s not wait until we discover the cure, for which we of course desire, but rather let’s focus on how we can improve life today because individuals truly can live a very, very good life, with the care and support they need.

Our Partners